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$20 OFF Maurices Coupon on Orders +$75
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About Maurices

Stylized as Maurices, Maurices Inc. is an American women's clothing chain based in Minnesota Duluth. Founded in Duluth in 1931, the chain consists of over 1000 stores in the United States and Canada, especially in shopping malls and smaller towns. Maurices works with the belief that a great outfit can change your day. Therefore, it guides with vision, which is as important as wearing perfect style. For this, shopping in Maurices can turn into an opportunity not only to spend your free time, but also to capture moments that will make you happy. No matter how crazy life is, Maurices thinks that the people of every country deserve to follow the continents in fashion, design and budget.

In Maurices, you can find any style, size and size of jacket and vest, shoes for women's bottoms, dresses and overalls, shoes and accessories. Maurices can shop online to review products, discounts, coupons, promotions and deals.

Claim the Maurices coupons here to discover promotion codes, discount coupons and different deals to assist you with saving money on your next Maurices buy.

View official Maurices page from here.

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