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About The Royal Mint

The Royal Mint Museum has an assortment of extraordinarily important British coins. It provides information on printed currencies, but in addition has a remarkable range of pre and test pieces for artwork, hardware and their plans and creations. Visit the Royal Mint Museum site for outstanding introduction to learning assets, varieties and data about the show and its functions. Get a fascinating insight into The Royal Mint's experiences, its long-term mechanical advances, and learn about the individuals at the center of this remarkable association. The Royal Mint is the official mint for the UK. Likewise, it creates coins and decorations for different countries around the world. The Royal Mint has been an important aspect of the British kingdom, the United Kingdom, and their relatives for over 1,000 years. Today, the Royal Mint offers visits to the gallery office in Llantrisant, Wales, as an essential element of the Royal Mint Experience. Apart from coins and bullion, they also produce souvenir donations as a feature of their portfolio.

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View official The Royal Mint page from here.

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