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About RaceChip

RaceChip was founded in 2008, and a growing team of vehicle enthusiasts and engineering fans have worked hard to develop products and advance with new innovations that provide customers with the best possible driving experience.

At RaceChip, power, dynamism and innovation are among the priorities and by combining with technological expertise, customer satisfaction is always at the forefront. RaceChip was created for individual drivers, not experts. You don't need any expertise or special tools to set up your RaceChip; It can be installed in a few minutes. It even comes with instructions specific to your exact brand and model, making setup even easier.

With RaceChip, you can develop any car, even if it's not a luxury sports car. Chip tuning through RaceChip is available for 3,000 models from 60 manufacturers sold through 2,000 dealers worldwide. With over 100,000 parts sold each year, you can be sure that you are getting the best in the industry.

While RaceChip is meant to be accessible to everyone, including completely beginners, you may want to learn some of the more technical terms. The RaceChip glossary lists the most frequently used terms in this area so you can learn more about your car.

Experts know exactly what they're doing, but beginners sometimes make mistakes. You don't have to worry as RaceChip has a comprehensive troubleshooting section so you can pinpoint and fix the problem. The troubleshooting guide will let you know if you need to call customer service.

When you decide to develop your car with RaceChip, you can save your budget with promotional and coupon codes offered through

View official RaceChip page from here.

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