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10% OFF Diptyque Promo Code
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Up to 30% OFF Diptyque Paris Deals
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About Diptyque Paris

St Germain Diptyque is an extravagance French scent brand. Situated in Paris, the organization produces eau de parfum, eau de toilette, scented candles, and aroma oil diffusers. Its unique store is as yet situated at 34 Boulevard Saint-Germain in the fifth arrondissement of Paris. The name comes from Ancient Greek significance a two-board picture.

Three companions driven by a similar imaginative enthusiasm. Christiane Gautrot was an inside originator, Desmond Knox-Leet, a painter, and Yves Coueslant, a theater chief and set creator. The initial two worked together planning textures and backdrop for Liberty and Sanderson.

They were joined by the third in 1961 and opened a shop to show their plans. Yves turned into the chairman and specialist; Desmond and Christiane were the imaginative soul. Step by step, with finely sharpened taste, the triplet changed the site into a unique setting, a sort of polished marketplace where one discovered amazing articles unrivaled in Paris, mined and passed on home by the threesome throughout their movements.

View official Diptyque Paris page from here.

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